Modern Slavery Statement

The NRL Group is pleased to provide our Annual Statement with regards to the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

The NRL Group operates a zero-tolerance policy towards slavery of any form. Our policy statement towards this issue is published on our website and is circulated annually to all employees as part of our ongoing commitment to awareness of this issue.

View our policy statement

The NRL Group provides recruitment, training, rail maintenance and Non-Destructive testing (NDT) services to the technical, engineering and construction sectors. As such the overwhelming majority of the goods and services that form our supply chain are the UK-based labour that we resource on behalf of our UK-based clients.

Inherent in our business is a compliance programme that tests and determines the UK right-to-work status of our contractors. This programme is implemented by all parts of our business and training is provided to all appropriate team members on a regular basis.

The NRL Group is pleased that there were no known instances in the last reporting year of slavery in any form affecting the NRL Group business, and will continue to implement our zero-tolerance approach in years to come.